Are you busy now? I had write some comments on your blog, however there is no reaction. It is very sad for me. If you think about life or organism in serious, please make some reaction about it. I do not want think that you are such person. Because your contents have a lot of love to animals. So please do something for that.
In addition, you can get at least “C” by submitting report against summer special program on “What is Life?”. Therefore if you have enough time to think about whale problem in the world, please send your report for me.
かつて、自分も大学院生でした。幼稚園生のときに決めたいきものはかせになり、今に至ります。ある種の先輩として、どうか、What is Life?をよろしく御願い致します。もし、可能でしたら、あなたのラボのみなさんにも、お伝え下さい。いきものってなに?というブログなのです。
さらに、What is Life?は夏期集中講義中でして、すでに、授業を終えました。後はレポート提出を待ち、採点して、返すだけです。月曜日正午までです。お急ぎ下さい。
Are you busy now? I had write some comments on your blog, however there is no reaction. It is very sad for me. If you think about life or organism in serious, please make some reaction about it. I do not want think that you are such person. Because your contents have a lot of love to animals. So please do something for that.
In addition, you can get at least “C” by submitting report against summer special program on “What is Life?”. Therefore if you have enough time to think about whale problem in the world, please send your report for me.
Best regards.